What did we do to deserve this?
The trailer for the ill-conceived live-action dump based on the classic 1937 Disney movie Snow White and the Seven Dwarves has finally been released, and boy, is it a doozy. See for yourself at the top of this post. Then read the comments. They are more entertaining than this film.
This trailer is yet another example of everything wrong with modern Western media and reboots in general that have become cliché at this point. Here, Snow White is not only race-swapped for no good reason, making her name lose its original meaning, and played by won't-shut-her-mouth Rachel Zegler, she is also changed to be a "girlboss" who leads a revolution against the Evil Queen. Because that's what Snow White was about, right? And if I had to guess, the prince will be made into a weakling and will not kiss a presumably dead Snow White at the end, because that's sexual harassment apparently. Honestly, the only character I like in this is the Evil Queen played by Gal Gadot, and while she too is a race-swapped version of her original counterpart, she plays the role well. She and Zegler should have switched places as she appears to be a more worthy candidate for "the fairest of them all," but I digress.
Then there are the CGI dwarves. They could have been played by real people with dwarfism á la The Wizard of Oz and Time Bandits, but political correctness and Peter Dinklage got in the way and prevented a whole demographic from getting an opportunity to make it big in the film industry. Everyone thinks they're creepy, but I actually don't find them weird at all in the same way that I was not at all creeped out by the characters from The Polar Express (which is now 20 years old as of this post!). My issue with them is that they're not as unique-looking nor as memorable like the originals.
In the end, only time will tell if this movie will make it big. I personally hope it doesn't since I'm tired of unfaithful reboots and cheap cash grabs and would prefer either new and exciting stories or else adaptations that respect what came before. Maybe a movie like this failing will be a wake-up call to Disney and Hollywood to stop making these types of movies for good.