Saturday, November 7, 2020

'Hayop Ka!': A Netflix Original Film from the Philippines

Movie poster. (source)

How was I not aware of this movie until now?

To preface, I'll state upfront that I am half Filipino on my mother's side. Growing up, I didn't think I would ever see explicit Filipino characters outside of what was produced in the Philippines. That changed in 2017 when I saw Lars Barriga from Steven Universe make an ube cake in one episode. It blew my mind to see a Filipino character in a major Western production. Ever since then, I've been interested in seeing Filipinos in mainstream media.

So imagine my surprise when I found the trailer for a Filipino animated film being produced for Netflix:

Content warning: violence, implied sex scenes

Hayop Ka!, which means "you animal" in Tagalog, is a story about a cat named Nimfa who works as a saleswoman. She has a dog boyfriend who works as a janitor. One day she meets another male dog who is rich, and after falling for him she must decide if she will go for him or stay with her boyfriend. Basically, a generic love triangle story that has been told millions of times before.

The animation and backgrounds look very impressive for an international non-anime film. The characters are anthropomorphic animals along the veins of other Netflix properties like Beastars and Aggretsuko. Heck, the main character almost resembles Nicole Watterson from The Amazing World of Gumball minus the blue fur.

I would like to see this out of curiosity, but unfortunately, it isn't available in the US, only in select regions. As long as this is better than The Nutshack, the gosh-awful attempt to have a mainstream television series featuring a Filipino cast, then I'd consider this a win for Filipino animation, or at least a step in the right direction.

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Blog: Deus ex Magical Girl

Logo of Deus ex Magical Girl

While the US and the world await the results of the presidential election, I recommend visiting Deus ex Magical Girl. This website is the main reason that I started this blog. The creator D. G. D. Davidson is an anime fan (particularly of the magical girl variety, hence the website title), a librarian and archeologist, an author, and a Catholic. His schtick mostly consists of reviewing magical girl anime and manga and occasionally giving commentary on Western media. 

I've been following him for about five years since I looked up a review of Sailor Moon Crystal on his older defunct blog Sci Fi Catholic. After reading his material I was inspired to create a blog where I talk about my interests in much the same manner as he. Thus Clear Is a Belle was born.

Movie Trailer: 'Snow White' (2025)

  What did we do to deserve this? The trailer for the ill-conceived live-action dump based on the classic 1937 Disney movie Snow White and t...